Recent Presentations
MQ Centre for Elite Performance, Expertise and Training
“We are deconstructing this complex perceptual task in order to determine the core aspects of expertise.” Presentation at CEPET2019 on the theme “Creating Experts: The Science of Training” hosted by Macquarie's Centre for Elite Performance, Expertise, and Training.
WA Department of Fire and Emergency Services
“Can expertise in fingerprint matching translate to other domains, such as expertise in firefighting?” Presentation at Department of Fire and Emergency Services Western Australia, discussing expertise, decision-making, and how these cognitive abilities may be expressed in the firefighting profession.
NSW Police Experts Conference
“How can we learn from other areas of expertise, such as diagnostic medicine, to best turn fingerprint novices into fingerprint experts?” A recent presentation on the application of the processes used in the medical profession to create experts in forensics.
Experimental Psychology Conference
“Linear Ballistic Modelling is a promising model for understanding the cognitive processes underlying perceptual tasks.” This Linear Ballistic Modelling was first presented at the 2019 Experimental Psychology Conference.
Keynote on Creating Perceptual Experts at Forensic Science Society Conference
“We want a solid empirical basis for national training programs designed to create experts that are accurate, reliable, and continuously improving.” Presenting the Keynote on Creating Perceptual Experts at the Australian and New Zealand Forensic Science Society Conference, 2018.